6 Practical Ways to Be Present

There are a lot of amazing benefits to being more present and mindful, but one of my favorites is this: you’re not missing the beauty and joy of the present moment.

Being present also helps you to see when you are feeling fear or resistance, uncertainty or the urge to procrastinate, anger or resentment… and then to work with those difficulties mindfully.

That’s all great, but how do you remember to practice being present? It’s so easy to get caught up in our thoughts and distractions, and forget to practice.

So with that in mind, here Maria Cambiaso recommended some practical ways to practice:

1. A Small Regular Practice

Form the simple habit of meditating for just two minutes a day (to start with). After you wake up, simply sit comfortably and try to focus on your breath for two minutes. When (not if) your mind wanders, just notice it and label it “thinking.” And gently return to the breath, without harshness.

Set a timer, and when the timer goes off, you’re done! If you feel like expanding it by a minute every week or so, feel free to do so, but you don’t have to expand.

The benefit of this regular practice is that you learn skills you can take and practice in other parts of your day.

2. Work with Others

Maria Cambiaso working together

Having a regular group or partner to meditate with is helpful. You support each other continuing to practice, and can talk about struggles and things you’re learning.

If you don’t have a practice group in your area, you could find people online to talk to regularly about practicing.

Also Read: Tips to Self-Motivate Yourself to Get Most from Life

3. Have Mindfulness Bells 

You could have a chime regularly sound off on your phone or computer (numerous apps do this) to remind you to pause and be mindful of what’s going on right now.

I’ve also found it useful to see other things as mindfulness bells: seeing my child’s face, a traffic light, hearing an alert from an appliance or the computer. Each of these can be a reminder to be present when I notice them.

4. Set an Intention Before an Activity

If you’re about to do a work task, process email, read a book, cook dinner… you can pause just before starting, and think for a second about what your intention for that activity might be.

What are you hoping to do with this activity? For me, I might cook dinner out of love for my family or myself. I might write a blog post (like this one) out of love for my readers. I might do a workout out of love for myself (and to set a good example for my kids).

I process email out of responsibility and consideration for those trying to communicate with me. By setting an intention, it reminds you to be mindful of that intention as you do any activity.

5. Reflect Daily

Maria Cambiaso Reflect Daily

At the end of each day, or at the beginning, take a minute to journal or just reflect on how your day has gone. How have you done with practicing being present? What have you struggled with? Have you been using your mindfulness bells and setting intentions?

What resistance has come up for you, what stories are you telling yourself about all of this? Daily reflection is one of the most useful habits for continuing to practice and getting better at practicing.

6. See Everything as a Teacher

According to Maria Cambiaso, this method admittedly sounds a bit corny, but it’s actually amazing. When you’re feeling frustrated with someone, feeling stressed out by work, feeling upset or grieving about the health of a loved one, feeling anxious about a national election… pause and see this person or situation as a teacher.

What can you learn from them about being present? What attachments can you see in yourself that are causing this difficulty? What stories are you forming that are causing you to feel this way? What can you practice letting go of? What can you appreciate about this moment that you are taking for granted?

In this way, every difficulty, every person, everything that arises in the present moment can be a loving teacher that is helping us along the path to being present.

Originally published at: https://www.earlytorise.com/6-practical-ways-to-be-present/

7 Mental Blocks Preventing Your Success

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Unless our brains get involved. Then we’ll find a way to roam the world looking for complicated alternatives.

The mind can catapult us to our greatest hopes and dreams, or it can confuse and torture us until we give up in disappointment.

Here are the most common mental battles entrepreneurs face, plus a quick prescription for each.

1. Little think.

“You don’t think big enough. I think of writing scores of books, a body of work, you procrastinate over a blog post.” — Alan Weiss

We never will hit our milestones if we allow each step to stall us. Overthinking the small things traps us, preventing us from achieving the big things.

The enemy of procrastination is now. Make a quick but solid decision, and move forward by leaps.

2. Doubt fires.

“Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will.”  — W. Clement Stone

When doubt fills our minds, fear dominates our thoughts. Take action and realize that most of your fears are imagined. Self-imposed nightmares conjure the worst possible results.

Perhaps you can’t take the “massive action” so often encouraged. But you can take a step and then another step. You can move toward your goal.

Related: 3 Steps to Reinventing Yourself as an Entrepreneur

3. Future failures.

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” — J. K. Rowling

When we fail to profit, we often become prophets. We start seeing failure in advance, even if there’s no evidence our venture is headed for disaster. When the mind foresees failure, it can lead to paralysis.


Fight future failure by reminding yourself of past successes. Use evidence from your past to predict your future.

4. Dataless decisions.

“Economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life.” — Tyler Cowen

Emotional decisions can be dangerous, but dataless decisions can be fatal. By nature, most entrepreneurs are risk-takers. We have a little bit of gambler in us, so it’s easy to make gut decisions even when the odds are against us.

Instead of rolling the dice on pure instinct, consult the figures on the spreadsheets or your group of trusted advisers. Make decisions based on solid facts, not just the excitement of the moment.

5. Fuzzy focus.

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” — Mark Twain

The ability to go where you want begins with the ability to envision it clearly in your mind. Yet our imaginations seem drawn to clutter and often end up overwhelming us.

Find clarity by compartmentalizing your thoughts. Create mental “buckets” and sort the various facets of your business. Spend time thinking separately about sales, marketing, revenue and expenses, or the convergence will become unbearable.

6. Complicated calculations.

“Clarity comes with simplicity.” — Brendon Burchard

This mental block falls right in line with the last one. Instead of making fast, minimal decisions, we tend to make slow, maximal decisions. There are times we could simply ask a friend for quick feedback, but we allow issues to fall to a committee. Too many calculators only complicate the process.

Ask yourself, “What is the fastest, safest way to reach X results?” Then do it.

7. Motivational manipulation.

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” — Napoleon Hill

Maybe. Sometimes the mental block is not a negative, but a positive. We become so convinced we’ll reach a goal that we expect the entire team to adopt our thinking. This motivational manipulation might help in the short term. But we can’t ignore accruing evidence that signals we might be headed for disappointment.

Motivate without the manipulation. Be honest about the ground you’ve gained or lost with the current strategy. Reality is not a curse word; it’s the word that forms our world.

The mind will never be fully tamed, so continue fighting these mental blocks with courage and consistency.

Source URL: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/281556

7 Ways to Find Your Inner Happiness

Happiness is on the list of words that we don’t understand well. We spend our entire lives searching for this intangible thing. We think that we can get happiness if we get this or that. However, the ancient yoga experts are of the opinion that we can get real happiness only if we stop thinking about getting material stuff. What we should do is get the lasting joy that lies within us. Here Maria Cambiaso has given some of the simple ways of getting happiness.

Take it easy

In difficult times, such as illness or loss, we tend to lose our humor and get involved with negative thoughts. What you need to do is not take yourself too serious. Doing so will bring you lightness and you will be able to cope with the difficult circumstances more easily.

Illness, loss and suffering

You should not identify yourself with loss, illness or suffering. Some people realized how they had been making the mistake of identifying themselves as patients. Actually, you may not want to identify yourself with the issues. This will help you know who you actually are and you will be able to shine.

Be yourself

It’s perfectly fine to be you. Don’t think that you are imperfect, falling apart, unable to cope, hopeless or a mess. If you want true perfection, what you need to do is accept yourself with all your imperfections. And it includes all of what you like or dislike. As a matter of fact, this is the best way of preventing yourself from struggling.

Also ReadHow to Get Motivated Enough to Get Things Done

Make friends with yourself

You should make friends with yourself. As a matter of fact, this is the relationship that will stand the test of time for you. You can be the best friend to yourself. Therefore, beating yourself up emotionally is not a good idea.


Don’t repress your feelings

When you are going through difficult times, it may be easy for you to suppress or deny your feelings. However, if you can honor what you feel, you will get a bit closer to the real happiness. The greatest gift is to acknowledge and make friends with yourself by accepting everything that you may have.

Forgive yourself

Let’s agree that we all make mistakes. Instead of hating yourself, you should learn to forgive yourself. What you need to do is forgive yourself whenever you feel angry, upset or overly emotional. Learn to take the shape or guilt and don’t punish yourself. Self-forgiveness is something that can help you gain the inner peace.


Lots of research studies have done in order to demonstrate how meditation can change your happiness and contentment by triggering the factor called “feel-good”. If you have never meditated before, we suggest that you try it now. Put your hesitation aside and give it a go.

So, these are 7 simple ways of getting inner happiness. If you have been going through difficult circumstances and you have been finding it hard to find inner peace, we suggest that you try out these tips.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9733512

How to Get Motivated Enough to Get Things Done

Losing impetus sometimes is such a huge issue for most of the people. In fact, the momentary loss of the stimulus is normal and everyone can get demotivated in any situation. In this article, Maria Cambiaso has given some ways of getting encouragement. The professional is a psychologist who helps individuals in reviving their lost impetus and power. One can follow these tips when they feel low or unable to finish any task.

Actually, it is really problematic for individuals to motivate themselves when they feel scared of how much things there is to do. Continue reading this article will help you in increasing the stimulus as well as productivity. Furthermore, the tips here will help individuals in getting an extra boost so that they finish their work.

Here, are some of the ways to acquire motivation in order to finish the things consistently:

Set the Deadlines 

One should have to set the targets for getting the task done which they do not like. To do this individual have to sit for a moment and think all about the work need to be done. Actually, having deadlines means individuals will obviously do their best to meet them.

In reality, if you do not have set the objectives then the less likely things will remain aside and others become the priority. Hence, setting goals and sticking to them will help individuals in motivating themselves in order to complete the task. Plus, there is also less chance of getting off the track.

Create a List to Break Things Down 

One of the reasons behind the demotivation is that some tasks seem immense to start. Hence, this is good to break all the tasks into smaller one and make a list. Start doing the things one by one according to the list will help you in getting the best outcome without wasting time.

Retain Healthy Lifestyles

Maria Cambiaso

Opting healthy lifestyle is relevant to the eating as well as sleeping habit. As it sounds basic but having healthy habits can play a crucial role in increasing the stimulus. Actually, if individuals do not eat healthy cuisine or not getting enough sleep then they feel inactive. Plus, can also feel low while accomplishing any task on their priority list. So, a healthy lifestyle can do a miracle in increasing the impetus.

Emphasis on Single Thing at a Stint

Everyone gets chaotic when there is a lot of stuff to do and they do not have any schedule or plan. Actually, it will limit the inspiration quickly when you have no idea from where to start. It is advisable for individuals to specific on what they focus on. Also, you should have to do one thing at a time as this will build an enormous outcome.

Wrapping Up

Actually, most of the people find it hard to complete the tasks when they do not have interest in that particular niche. Above are some of the tips by the psychologist Maria Cambiaso which help individuals in increasing their stimulus level. Moreover, following these ways will help you to stay on track as well as inspire you to finish the tasks without any trouble.